Full BM available, socketed with Sage Stones, max stats.
Weapon: 1b
5/5 body: 500m
Coat: 500m
Earring + Legwings: 600m
Full BM available, socketed with Sage Stones, max stats.
Weapon: 1b
5/5 body: 500m
Coat: 500m
Earring + Legwings: 600m
Donc, soit tu les achètes aux autres, soit tu les échanges avec tes guildeux ou amis, ou soit tu les farm en Donjons..
C'est long et cher pour avoir les stats que tu veux mais c'est le système du stuff maintenant...
Jte rassure t'es pas le seul, je suis dans une guilde allemande et ils pensent pareil x)
Okey, thanks for your answer
So if I have 2 or 3 pages of Resonance Points, I will be able to benefits from all of them at one, in PvE and PvP ?
What is the limit, how many can we buy ?
2 800 EC is quite a lot tho
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I'm asking such a stupid question because I know GF for a while and they are usually not that generous, so I wasn't sure about the points spent in the % of ASD.
Oh well I didn't know we could get a second page, it was worth creating the thread o/
I was interested to know how the average players spend their Resonance Points.
When I re-started to play, I've discovered the Renonance system, and people told me to put points in EXP and Drop Rate.
Now I'm reaching slowly level 100, and I wanted to change my Resonance Point, or to know if it's useful to do so ?
I have a Void, but I haven't completely finished to drop all the Red Stone (Tears) I want for my Elyanod Gear.
Neither the Mystic Stones for the Weapon....
I am not doing Raids as I am clearly not ready for them xd
On the other side, I was wondering how you guys are spending your Resonance Points, and what are your gear.
Also, if I have 30 Points in the first slot of the second purple column (all skills damage +0.35%),
does that really mean I get 30 x 0.35 = 10.5% of All Skills Dmg ?
What are the best slots to spend your Reso. Points ?
Okey merci, je vais l'acheter ce soir!
A lock~
Merci pour ta reponse, donc:
Après vérification, il ne se trouve pas dans le cube, faut donc acheter l'item en screen
Donc si j'achete l'item que je t'ai montrer sur mon screen, je peux avoir un mod de skill au choix, n'importe lequel ?
J'espere que je pourrais directement choisir Psionic sans que ce soit de la RNG, tu peux confirmer stp ? :c
J'ai besoin du [Mod] Skill - Psionic Generator sur Add.
Sur ElWiki, c'est dans Force Skill > Category > Mod > Bravery.
Je sais pas si j'ai bien compris le systeme, alors....
Au panneau en vente, y a que des [Mod] de Force a 100M mais j'en ai deja eu a la quete de Camille.
J'aurais besoin du [Mod] Bravoure du coup.
Ou se trouve-t-il ? Ou est-ce que je peux le farm ?
Hey, I've sent you a PM, I'm interested for something.
^ I am talking about Cash Shop avatar, not IB.
And thank for your answer but I was wondering why I have some CS tradable and some are not.
Thank the GM for the answer, I'll just dismantle.
I don't scale my price in function of the Board.
I've send a private message to you to discuss further the set.
I only have 4/5 Maid Rena + Weapon + Head Access + Mini Me, the hair is awful so i never got it....
If you are interested PM me for price~
Oh shame, they have a light on them so I thought they had superior stats.
Thanks tho!
Do you still have theses ?
If so, can I have the items descriptions please and your price ?
I have some CS avatars rotting in my bank, but I they are written as "un-sealable", because long time ago, every avatars could be sealed 5 times, and some of them could be sealed only once.
Now that we can freely transfer any IB, it looks like my old CS avatars cannot be sold anymore because by the past, I think 'cause they have reached [0 time left to be sealed].
As you can see, it is written in red "Can't be sealed"
I don't know if you understand, unless you are an old player too...
But basically, I was wondering if this was a bug, or GF forgot to restore theses old unsealable items ?
Why can't I transfer some CS avatars ?
If it's not a bug, why can't I sell my old stuff ? Is there an item I can buy to restore them ?
Why should I do with them, dismantle, or let them rot in the bank ? I've paid theses stuff with EC, I remember well.
I'm waiting for a Staff answer.