Do you accept trade? like I want 5/5 salvator denif + 3/4(weapon +back and face acces)salvatore Ebalon , and I can give you Full BM Els +5/5 OCE (hat) Els
Only ED
Do you accept trade? like I want 5/5 salvator denif + 3/4(weapon +back and face acces)salvatore Ebalon , and I can give you Full BM Els +5/5 OCE (hat) Els
Only ED
Up 4/4 SR Added
5/5 Elpheus sold
I would offer 300kk max.
300kk+remove from wardrobe
How much the black eagle weapon?
Do you have the lower cazamoustro 3?
In english my friend
5/5 SS Sold
Sold can be lock
I offer 2b
current offer 6,3b IG