Posts by MashiNya

    I want to buy:
    - Archdevil hair (light version)

    - Archdevil shoes

    - Archdevil wings

    All parts for Eve. Reply here, pm me here or in game (/w MashiNya or /Aesthetica) or pm me on discord Deadly Nightshade#5042

    As you can see on the image. Don't mind about the price above, I'm open for offerts. :3 Also you can text to me in every language. I know Polish, English well and German a bit. In case of IT, FR and ES I'll try to use translate. ^^

    First I have to manage that I use polish version, so I have no idea how tranlations look in english version.

    Well, week ago I came back on our server. Ofc I started to grind avatars. And then the problem appeared. Usually when I want to buy a part of avatar I receive notification "The item, which you want to buy, doesn't exist", even when I restart the whole game. The question is: is there any solution for this problem? Or is it a bug?


    Ostatnio wróciłam do gry i zaczęłam grindować avatary. Problem w tym, że gdy nazbieram już odpowiednią sumę do kupienia partu i kliknę na wybraną rzecz z tablicy, to pojawia mi się komunikat "przedmiot, który chcesz kupić nie istnieje", chociaż przedmiot dalej figuruje na markecie, nawet po restarcie całej gry. Czy to jest problem z moim Elswordem i jest na to jakieś rozwiązanie, czy to powszechny bug? Dziękuję za każdą odpowiedź.