WTB | 5/5 DK | Els
Discord: AciusG#1775
Forum: dm or in the Thread
Ign: Liyuna or Pdr
WTB | 5/5 DK | Els
Discord: AciusG#1775
Forum: dm or in the Thread
Ign: Liyuna or Pdr
still selling ?
WTB | 4/4 White Dragon: Servius | Els
Discord: AciusG#1775
Forum: dm or in the Thread
Ign: Liyuna or Pdr
i send you a dm^^
i got EP 9/9 and 5/5 SS
SS 5/5 400kk
Contact me ing. Liyuna or discord liyuna#8231
how much for full i buy
how much ?
#close pls
mh.. i would pay 400kk for your set
nah its way too expensive, can you tell me your ign? or the price for the MR Hairs (if you sell it
how much
WTB any 5/5 IB set for Elesis
contact me ingame "Liyuna" or Discord "Acius#8231"
WITH price and Set
OR MR Hair!
how much for 5/5