Posts by neistovstvo
wassermelone obsession
Initiative Vogelspinne
Faszinierende Volgenspinnen!
Fange mit deinem Netz
nachts eine Vogelspinne,
um Camping-Coupons zu erhalten . x2
Animal Crossing
dachte schon
pm me with your price if you've got anything of the above
pm me with your price if you've got anything of the above
ich bin sorry
lach doch nicht
i can seal most of the stuff but also depending on the actual seal prices i'll subtract it from the actual offer that you're giving me (example: yellow poru seal price is around ~XXm/kk and i'll subtract the given amount of m/kk off of your XXXm/kk offer)I FORGOT TO ADD THAT THIS ONLY COUNTS IF YOU'D SEAL THE CERTAIN ITEMS