Want to buy Canticum Purple (2x Bottom, 2x gloves, 2x shoes) X%
Whp me IG (Setendeor) or in conversation with a price.
Want to buy Canticum Purple (2x Bottom, 2x gloves, 2x shoes) X%
Whp me IG (Setendeor) or in conversation with a price.
IG or Conversation with price thx
can be closed
Write me IG (Setendeor) or in conversation with Price. Would also buy a cube.
sold, can be closed
Selling Polarize: 2+ Enhance blue just send me a message with a price.
can be closed.
Sell it for 2.5kkk (2.5b) and only full.
Trading vs IB Raven Stuff like 9/9 BM Raven, ST Raven and going on.
Just pm me in forum or IG (Setendeor)
Selling 9/9 BM Laby full (hat). Would prefer if u make me a price via pm.
Would trade against Raven stuff.
I'm looking for a Serbius Weapon Eve. Message me IG (Setendeor) or in conversation with a price.
Buying only the Maid Top piece in Black. Send me a PM or a message ingame to Setendeor.
can be closed.
Want to buy +11 Scroll (Weapon) for 4-4,4kkk (4-4.4b) just send me a pm or friend request ingame.
Can be closed.
Selling +2 enh. magical attack (blue). PM with a price.
can be closed