How much for top and bottom ?
Posts by Korau
you have IB LoH for rose ? how much for that ?
you have top piece ?
and how much?
j'ai le haut les gants et les chaussure yaksha celeste jte les fait a 120M les 3
up and i pay 800M
PM for too early Push | Darkrai
i take pls =)
how much for the auxiliary unit ?
you didn't have acc henir elsword LoH cuff accesory ?
how much for overhall Fanatic ?
How much forthe first avatar els ? =) add me on discord Korau#0750
add me on discord Korau#0750
you didn't have LoH Cuff accessory ? =)
you have a LoH Cuff accessory els ? =)
J'achète l'accessoire d'arme (ou Gant) du Maître d'Henir
you have accessory henir for els ?
hi you didn't have a Henir - Lord of Time and Space Cuff ?
hello do you have a LoH access Cuff for elsword ? =)
No sorry i just have the 4/5 elsword ^^'
np thx =)
Hello =)
i want buy a LoH access Cuff for elsword =)
mp me with your price in post or discord add: Korau#0750 or joins my serv -
hello do you have a LoH access Cuff for elsword ? =)