Wtf ? i dont scam -_-" i have buy 5/5 Serbius.
Posts by Kakuja
no because is not real price for els.
How much full Serbius ?
in board a 4/4 is for 1B6-8 '-'
My offer for 5/5 is 1b-1B5 '-' is big for 5/5.
How much full SR Els ?
Hi ! I buy a full Servius Elsword all sage if possible ! Mp in game : Kakuja ! ♥
Post afk or what ?....
How much you sell a acces Alchimist (bottom)
you have a 4/4 MR ?
How much 4/5 IGC ? or you have 5/5 ? and you have 5/5 SR ? XD
I sell 5/5 SR Raven Saged 858 Max/Cc , trade possible vs IB els : 5/5 SR - Combos 4/4 MR
I sell NBS Rav blade
i sell 2/4 raven dusk
I sell 5/5 SR Rav All Saged 858 cc/max