I offer 4kkk for the Eyes
Posts by Aomine Daiki
I would buy the black one, how much for it?
I would buy all of it
I will buy SR 5/5
i'm buying all what the Titel says.
PN me here or Ingame: KurokoSama
When it's possible with the price -
Yeah okay
Hey there~
I'm buying for Raven:
-SR 5/5
-Mariposa 4/4
-Royal Servant 4/5 (Top, Bottom, Glothes and Shoes) both colors
-NBS Blade
-Archdevil Wings
PN me here or Ingame...Name: Dayman -
I will offer 400m
Is the SR Still avaible?
Oh Du bist das o:
Dayman heiß ich ingame :3
Nyah okay :3
Klar wv Ed bietest du :3
Is everything gone? o:
Added you on Discord
NOOOOOOO D: That would be nice :c
For 5/5?
Klar moment
Oh damn i didn't put it out...Eh...Just 5/5 is avaible x-x
Wenn du es siegeln könntest kannst du es für 30kk haben. o: