Looking for Scrolls(+11s) or ED.
Not going below 10b
Looking for Scrolls(+11s) or ED.
Not going below 10b
Im selling 3/3 Solace Chung
Trading for Enhancement scrolls or ED
IGN: DumbAnna
bump // updated
bump // updated
I sell the following:
Only selling FULL sets
Price negotiable
Discord: ZenShii#3270
sold. please close
Im selling red 4/4 Elyanod
+9 Top (Lv 29, +2 Polarize and x2 3%)
+9 Bottom (Lv 29, +2 Attack and x2 3%)
+10 Gloves (Lv 29, x5 ASD and x3 3%)
+9 Shoes (Lv 29, 10% dmg against boss and x2 3%)
Laby skill: Laby bomb 12%
Please close
update and bump
Bought it. Please close
B> EO Armband Laby
Trading my +11 Scroll for it
Please close. Thanks!
Too early push | PM - Vaire