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Game: Sergeant
Discord: TrueSurvivor#4520
Posts by Frank9694
Buy +11 scroll. Add/whisp Sergeant in game.
Wtb a +11 for at least 4kkk
Wtb 4/4 Mariposa Chung even in pieces.
I buy everything in Pieces if i find all pieces in the comment.
As title, wts 7/8 elpheus els no wings, already Saged. I prefer to trade with my Buy list in Chung Marketplace. Check. Add Sergeant
I sell items in the description only if i can find the thing i want in my WTB, which are: 4/4 mariposa chung and 5/5 Salvatore Rosso chung. I can also offer a 7/8 Elpheus Els no Wings. Add Sergeant
As title i buy 5/5 Salvatore Rosso for chung. Add Sergeant in game. (check the WTB 4/4 mariposa chung too)