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Posts by skross
Kutch send me a DM and we'll talk about it
Want to SELL :
1. 5/5 Shaviana Truffles Elsword
2. 3/4 Nereid Elsword (no Head Accessory)
3. Dimesion Sinister Accessories Elsword or Craft Service (YOUR Seal) for cheap prices
Want to TRADE
1. 5/5 Shaviana Truffles + 3/4 Nereid (no Head Accessory) all Elsword for 3/4 Shaviana Chung (no Support Unit). Weapon Saged if possible
DM me to negotiate if you're interested 😄
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Selling all these stuff
I'm buying burning punisher elianod piece for top, bottom, gloves, and shoes. I want them sealed and atleast 11%
As the title says I'm selling a +11 scroll for 3,9kkk or I'm trading it for the following items :
1. 3/3 El Officer Chung (Saged) + 2.5kkk -
As the subject says I'm searching for REVOLVER CANNON (atleast 10%) 10% - 12% BLUE (gloves)
Ingame name : Goblin -
Hi all! I'm selling the following elianod pieces :
1. Top RED = Attack/Attacked +9% (50kk + BUYERS seal)
2. Bottom RED = Group Attack +9% (50kk + BUYERS seal)
3. Shoes BLUE= Boss Damage +10% (125kk + BUYERS seal)
4. Gloves BLUE = Critical Damage +3% (100kk + BUYERS seal)If you think the prices are too high just comment and we'll reach a point together
PM for too early Push|Darkrai
how much?
Everything Sold
I'm searching this set shop for Elsword. I can seal the set. Just tell me the price
As the title said I'm selling x2 Sinister Intent Accessories for Raven. The price for each accessory is 150kk + Buyers Seal.
I'm also trading 2 Sinister Accessories (Raven) for 2 Specific Sinister Accessories for Elsword (Earrings and Gloves Accessories). In this case both parties must seal their own pieceIf you guys are interested just send me a PM for further information
I'm selling the following elianod stones :
1. Bottom : EMP Storm +11% (Rose) [200kk + Buyer's Seal]
2. Bottom : lvl 28 [250kk + Buyer's Seal]
3. Gloves : Phoenix Strike +9% (Rena) [50kk + Buyer's Seal]
4. Gloves : lvl 24 [100kk + Buyer's Seal]
5. Top : lvl 27 [125kk + Buyer's Seal]
6. Top : Drop Rate +9% [200kk + Buyer's Seal]
7. Bottom : Group Attack +9% [150kk + Buyer's Seal]
8. Gloves : Juggernaut Buster +11% (Elesis) [200kk + Buyer's Seal]
9. Shoes : Group Maximize +9% [150kk+ Buyer's Seal]
10. Bottom : Critical Damage +3% [150kk+ Buyer's Seal]
11. Gloves : Stack Skill Bravery (Transcendence) +9% (5 Stacks) [150kk+ Buyer's Seal]
12. Shoes : Pandemonium +10% (Chung) [100kk+ Buyer's Seal]
If you're interested in any of these stones just send me a PM and we'll discuss about it -
I'm searching for a 5/5 Servius Elsword (Saged or not. It doesn't matter). I also buy it in cubes.
Send me a PM if you're selling it -
Veltarox | PM due too early push.