Ja das ist halt wie wenn du auf /roastme gehst und siehst haha lolo XXX ich such mir jetzt die copypasta raus, die
You want an actual roast instead of the regular XXX "too much makeup" bullshit? Fine.
See, you're moderately attractive. You know that, I know that, everyone in this thread can see it. The problem is, that's where your contribution to society comes to a grinding halt.
This post is most likely a plea for attention, but you're tired of doing it on social media because you get the same desperate guys who will tell you anything flattering XXX
So instead you come here, because you feel here people aren't afraid to be brutally honest so you'll finally hear the truth that you've always known in your heart, but nobody would ever admit to you XXX
You going to a mental hospital doesn't surprise me. XXX But you're not suicidal, you just like to act like you are so that people CAN'T ignore you. Though now that people are catching on since you've been there twice and you're still living, all those surrounding you are most likely getting tired of all your 'attempts' and are one more 'woe is me' tale away from dropping a pamphlet under your door XXX (Note: Sideways for attention, longways for results).
If you manage to make it past 35, you'll most likely end up on strong antidepressants because your looks are long gone, your kids resent you for being a terrible mother that they have to take care of, you have no stable income because you never got a decent job because you skated through life on your looks, and your husband realizes he married a headcase that he doesn't love anymore and will find solace in call girls XXX
But as stated before, we all know you just did this for attention. So you got what you wanted. Satisfied?
Aber weißt wenn ich so angenommen mega die Instaprinzessin wäre dann ich weiß nicht was ich mit meiner Mittagspause machen soll.
Zensiert | Haruki