Posts by Icarus

    That doesn't make much sense here... the gif we put in is 128x128 full square, not just a circle...

    Unless im misunderstanding in which case it would be awesome if you could clarify

    Good point, didn't even notice that ?(

    Fiddled around a bit but couldn't find a way to get rid of it... sorry...:(

    Only advice I can give would be to look for a somewhat brighter gif so it's less obvious but thats not a good solution....

    The 854x200 comes from what the actual dimensions on the banners are, try F12 while on a profile side and check the dimensions of the banner. This is what the upload hook cuts it down to (roughly 4:1). I'm not sure if it will cut it down to exactly 854x200 or some multiple of it. So, I'm relatively sure this has nothing to do with my screen

    Why not just convert the pic to jpg, then its below the 500kb limit. Now it's only 360kb. Granted, this pic won't look too good as the upload hook with most likely cut off some off the top and the bottom...


    (if you make it 854x200 (or a multiple) it shouldn't cut anything off)

    GIFs in your Avatar!:love:

    In case you want an animated Avatar like mine as well, follow these simple steps.

    1. Search for a suitable GIF (and download it or copy the link)

    Should be roughly square and still keep in mind forum guidelines

    2. Open a editing Software/ Website and import your GIF

    I've used LunaPic ( it's pretty easy to use, but any somewhat usable Software should work just fine

    3. Scale and Resize your GIF

    This is the most important step. The GIF has to be exactly 128x128 from what I found out. If you are using Lunapic you can do it like this:

    From uploading your image, select Crop, then choose the square. Adjust it as you like and press "Crop". Then hover over the "Edit" Button and choose "Scale Image". Now enter 128 either for

    height or width, it should fit the other dimension accordingly. Now save the image as a GIF by hovering over "File" then choosing "Save File". Make sure the file you saved is still in the GIF format.

    4. Upload your new Profile GIF

    Now simply use the normal Profile Picture uploading (middle option) to upload your GIF. It should now work and actually be animated.

    Hope it works for you guys, haven't tested it excessively so don't hate on me if it doesn't work for you, thanks!;)

    (Sorry if my english is lacking)



    GIFs in your Avatar!:love:

    In case you want an animated Avatar like mine as well, follow these simple steps.

    1. Search for a suitable GIF (and download it or copy the link)

    Should be roughly square and still keep in mind forum guidelines

    2. Open a editing Software/ Website and import your GIF

    I've used LunaPic ( it's pretty easy to use, but any somewhat usable Software should work just fine

    3. Scale and Resize your GIF

    This is the most important step. The GIF has to be exactly 128x128 from what I found out. If you are using Lunapic you can do it like this:

    From uploading your image, select Crop, then choose the square. Adjust it as you like and press "Crop". Then hover over the "Edit" Button and choose "Scale Image". Now enter 128 either for

    height or width, it should fit the other dimension accordingly. Now save the image as a GIF by hovering over "File" then choosing "Save File". Make sure the file you saved is still in the GIF format.

    4. Upload your new Profile GIF

    Now simply use the normal Profile Picture uploading (middle option) to upload your GIF. It should now work and actually be animated.

    Hope it works for you guys, haven't tested it excessively so don't hate on me if it doesn't work for you, thanks!;)

    (Sorry if my english is lacking)

    Greetings Icarus

    GIFs im Profilbild!

    Wenn ihr auch einen solchen wollt ist hier eine kurze Anleitung.

    1. Sucht ein GIF raus (und downloaded es oder kopiert den Link)

    Das GIF sollte grob Quadratisch sein oder zumindest das interessante im Bild grob in der Form sein.

    2. Öffnet eine Bearbeitungssoftware oder Website

    Ich kann Lunapic ( empfehlen, funktioniert super in Chrome

    3. Passt das Bild an

    Das GIF soll am Ende ein 128x128 Verhältnis haben. Dazu könnt ihr direkt nach dem Upload den Button "Crop" drücken, dann wählt ihr das Quadrat. Passt es so an, dass das interessante im Quadrat abläuft, dann drückt "Crop". Als nächstes haltet den Mauszeiger über "Edit" und wählt die Option "Scale Image" aus. Dann gebt als Höhe (oder Breite) 128 ein, das andere sollte sich auch darauf ändern. Jetzt bestätigt ihr und haltet anschließend den Mauszeiger über "File". Wählt dann "Save Image" und stellt sicher, dass die gedownloadete Datei im GIF Format ist.

    4. Das GIF hochladen

    Jetzt ladet dieses GIF ganz normal hoch (direkt über die Seite, nicht per Gravatar; also die mittlere Option ist die richtige). Jetzt sollte alles hinhauen und ihr solltet ein animiertes Profilbild haben!

    Wenn es nicht funktioniert dann stellt bitte nochmal sicher, dass euere Datei tatsächlich ein 128x128 GIF ist. Wenn es immernoch nicht funktioniert bitte keine Hass-Kommentare, danke!;)

    Liebe Grüße und viel Spaß noch,
