Hi, buy ereda chronicle for Eve 1kkk, can be negociate.
Start a conversation or add IG on CodesSariel
Hi, buy ereda chronicle for Eve 1kkk, can be negociate.
Start a conversation or add IG on CodesSariel
Added : If touch/touched 2+ enhancement top red
(can be trade vs ASD 5* blue / negociable)
Hi, selling some El Tear and buying too.
All unique tears (selling) can be sealed by myself, don't think i can do it for the Elite one :c
Go check : https://tearbox.io/box/GwwkKwAG
PM or add discord / IG
Go private with ur offer :3
I'm online
alright, around 7-8pm, is it fine for u ?
I got it, what's ur IG name ? Or add me on CodesSariel, i'll be online today
Hi i'm looking for Eve's LoH weapon, pm me an offer thx
Hi, still looking for it ?
I'd like to know how worth is each pieces of the Henir IB set for Eve pliz :')
Didn't log in since a decade
Hi !
Everything is in the title, PM IG on CodesSariel or just leave a message here.
The price is arround 2kkk~2kkk2.
I can trade for DKA or Henir's Weap or the newest access on the LoH set.
This is my tearbox, go check
I'm selling some stuff too and up my box everyday
Hi, je cherche des pierres Elya bleu Rayon gamma / Découpe linéaire +10% . (Haut, bas, chaussures)
Si vous avez + ou - en % proposez quand même ^^"
Mp IG sur CodeImp (i majuscule) ou forum.
Hi, i'm looking for El tear blue Giga steam / Linear divider +10%. (Top, bot, shoes)
If you have more or less % you can still try, maybe i can buy it too.