En Autriche on n'a pas des pains au chocolat :c
Posts by Akichan
Nice to meet you too
Ou nice a cup of tea
Nice to meet you too
Yes I'm very interested in those cultures! Unfortunately I've never been there, but I plan to go there once I've finished my studies. My university has a project in which students of the teacher training program are able to go to other countries and teach German to students of other universities. So hopefully I'll be able to spend a few years in China, Korea and Japan to do that c:
Make Elsword EU great again
That won't happen as well
Bonjour à tous!
Unfortunately I can only choose two languages for this thread, but I also speak English obviously. Therefore just pretend that there is a "English"-language tag there as well.
Moving on to the real introduction:
Hii. I'm Akichan, formerly known as Aki, but there is already another user that has this name, so ma girls from the former forum have to be careful with whom they flirt, lel. I started playing the game in 2011, where the glorious guild Combobreaker was formed #bestguildever. I literally play every character in the game, however my main is definitely Ara with the most creative name ever (Eunglaublich), which is a really bad pun that only works in German and no other language
or I'm just to dumb to come up with bad puns in other languages.Apart from that I'm currently studying at the University of Graz to become a teacher (with three subjects: biology, psychology and chemistry). I learn three languages - Chinese, Japanese and Korean - there as well. Yes I do not have a life.
Feel free to write something in this thread, in whatever language
(meaning in either French, German or English xD)you like.Title adjusted | Haruki
so, if there is an international forum now, does it mean there will be implemented ability to change game language? thats the real question tbh
Pfffff as if.
Hi, es gibt auch Leute die mehr als nur zwei Sprachen sprechen. Ich fänds iwie nice wenn ich bei meinen Threads das auch anzeigen könnte, und ich mich nicht auf 2 Sprachen festlegen muss.
I prefer the black design from Soulworker.
I've never been on the Soulworker forum. But since black > blue i'd probably prefer that one too.
Shihiru ma girl
too blue
The design is shit in general.
My likes are gone
*plays a song on the smallest violin in the world*
Probably who spammed most
Weeeelll. Lets start spamming then