Ok I'm kind of lazy atm, but I'm working on it!
Made a collab with East, so visit [Winter] if you haven't done so before!
Ok I'm kind of lazy atm, but I'm working on it!
Made a collab with East, so visit [Winter] if you haven't done so before!
Hey Aquilaria, ich lurke ja schon seit dem alten Forum hin und wieder in deinem Thread rum und muss Chana da nur mit ganzem Herzen zustimmen. Ich glaub gerade weil du dir jetzt reale Menschen als Vorbild nimmst, verbesserst du dich so stark, wie du es jetzt tust! Bin echt beeindruckt und sehe da ne Menge Potenzial
Keep up the good work o/
New ID I made for Cyele, visit her galery [click me] if you didn't do so before o/
Die dadrunter ist auf jeden Fall noch frei und ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn du sie benutzt! Was die Emilia Sig betrifft ist sie vorerst schon belegt
Und vielen Dank man, das Kompliment kann ich so nur zurück geben!
Decided to make a Mob Psycho 100 signature, because my dear Shigeo deserves more love
I'm still not really happy with the way it turned out, but I enjoy experimenting with colours & shit
Thank you for all those likes guys!
Made something new real quick, feels like I'm always doing the same though.
If some of you want to exchange some stocks feels free to contact me o/
AAAaaand another one! c:
I will miss the good old 200px
Hello, my Name is Clau also known as "Aquana" from the old, german forum.
I like making signatures, wallpapers and art in general I guess?
If you like my stuff feel free to leave a comment & like or maybe even critique ʕ•㉨•ʔ
If you see a signature you would like to use that isn't already taken, please ask me before you use it c:
Crediting me is also appreciated!
"New" Stuff - Signatures
✖ = taken ✖
Wallpaper (mostly 1920x1080 ) Free to use
please click on the spoiler to see the wallpapers I've made :>
Aaaaaand old stuff (#oldbutgold)!
Hey Apophyr,
I made a set for you, I'm still a bit rusty but I hope you'll like it o/