Posts by CutieJ
I think it was only Maximize(2x), one 14xx and one 17xx
Sorry I've been busy. I would say the price for 5/5 Salvatore Denif + Bow is 850kk. The weap is with Sage Stones
Please write me an offer in the conversation. Thank you.
Full Bunny Set Black was sold.
Can someone please change the title into "Sell some IB Stuff"?
I sell some of these stuff in the picture. You have to seal it. PM me with your offers or in Game xAlvida
I sell all this stuff in the picture. You seal it. PM me with your offers or in Game xAlvida
I'm selling all this stuff in the picture
You have to seal
Pm me with your offers or in Game xAlvida
I sell all this stuff in the picture
Pm me with your offers or in Game xAlvida
(You seal this stuff)
I sell all this stuff in the picture.
You have to seal this stuff because I cant't (I'm literally broke xd)
Pm me with your offers or in Game xAlvida
Ich erkenne, dass ich mich wieder in meinen Ex verliebt habe. Toll.