Posts by d0m0a

    There is something that has been bugging me from a time after the release of Laby's jobs.

    It's said that Laby would be the fighter one (Type kicking and punching style Street Fighter wise), right?:)

    Then why they decided to make Shining Romantica the Canon job (Who just shoots spheres and beams) instead of Eternity Winner (Who IS a real fighter following the theme)??(:?::!:

    It has no sense! Make a fighter character and make canon the only thing that moves away of what makes a fighter what is... I don't get it!:|

    Yeah, maybe, but I have a small problem: I tend to get the sets for all my characters, and I have one per character, a total of 12, and if I have to get them with all them, will take me surely a whole year for get that set, and I'm sure that when I get the Hero/Elrianode set, it will be obsolete days later...

    If this keeps that way, I can kiss goodbye to the 3rd classes

    If can't be changed, maybe they could reduce the CP needed for enter some dungeons, because I can't ever enter into Hall of El, and that are 50000 CP, when the last Elysion dungeon doesn't ever reaches 15000 CP.

    I beleve that this system divides pure players from casual players, and that kind of actions scares players.

    Just want to name that recently the EU game got the Combat Point System, which limits the number of dungeons that we can enter. For some of you can be a great form of show off how powerful you are, but for others as me... I feel that they created this for isolate and marginalize every player that can't neither reach the 50000 points needed for play the Elrianode dungeons (Some if my characters as my Ara Asura only reaches 40000 with Event Avatar and SD :tears:), just when days ago all my characters could enter into the Elrianode dungeons:tears:.

    Anybody else had this type of problems?

    And I'm a casual, not one of those hardcore gamers that plays the game 23 hours and sleeps 1 hour or that can finish Hero Dungeons or Henir in 5 minutes.