Posts by matgrnd
Hi, this vs serbius access ?
Serbius access vs this ?
Hi, have a 5/5 finish rose to propose
Sell 5/5 finish rose or trade for mds eclipse Rose or make other offert if you want, i will see if it’s interesting !
Ok add me in game at matgrnd i will be here in the day
This one
5p serbius or finish vs 5p LoH ?
which one you want ?
5p serbius or finish vs 5p LoH ?
Too early push | Amyo
Fello, How much )?
i have seen some at 700kk i guess that’s a good price. What do you think ?
Bonjour à tous;
Je cherches à vendre mon corpo serbius Rose. un prix de départ de 500M à débattre. n'hésitez pas à me contacter en dm ou ingame (matgrnd) !
Hi everyone;
Want to sell my 5p corpo servius for Rose. Beginning price is at 500kk, debates open. Don't hesitate to dm me or contact me ingame at matgrnd !