Posts by Sinfonie
Cinq !
2 ~
The problem isn't that there are 6736736 post #1968, but that when the 1969th post is added the page shows it as if it was the 1970th. Probably in 3ds like that who sees a difference between the number posted and the number of the post's last digit ends up editing according to the number of the post, thinking that he/she skipped a number.
But even then you should be able to correct that mistake manually .. At least I think that if you have 20 posts a page but the first post on every page is post #10 altough it should be the last post of the previous page counting 10 you should be able to correct the mistake in counting by just skipping one number?
Quatre !
Im the one who should be honored, my evil'ness
Dix !
Luzi, Aki, Suza, Mary
I always wanted to be whiped from the Devil herself ~
Quatre !
There's smth which is not working correctly with the number of the posts, we're waiting an answer from the staff there: [Forum] Thread discalculici
I think theres more into it that just that one bug since one page counts only 20 posts after all, so even if there are 10 posts saying its post 1968 and post 11 suddenly skipps the numbers 1969~1978 people could counter properly through that bugged area
I suppose someone just skipped a number (happens quite a lot, eh?) no one realized/everyone ignored it and now no one wants to correct it because.. humans
3 ~
No. Stop. Dont count wrong. We had that once. Pls. :< -