Problem with the game

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  • Sometimes, at least it happened to me 3 times in 3 days, 1 time per day, the game unistall by its own, or only the .exe aplicattion of the game, and it shows up this: "Windows is trying to find "Elsword.exe". To find the archive by yourself, click in Examinate.". Sometimes i have to reinstall the game, but looks like "Elsword.exe" has a problem and cant be unistalled and when i try to reinstall it tell me there was an error with overwriting "Elsword.exe".

    Please help me, i been playing elsword for so long, but it showed up just recently.

  • Hey :)

    Have you made any security changes recently? Can we have your windows version?

    I'm not sure but you might have enabled some allowed security steps from your antivirus so it uninstalls the game by itself.


    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~

  • Seems for some unknown reason, your AV is sticking the game's .exe into quarantine.. probably due to overly restrictive heuristics enabled or is detecting false positives. What AV are you using? May be worth whitelisting the entire elsword folder (or if you're not on a paid AV, I can recommend an alternative if you're willing to switch)

  • Seems for some unknown reason, your AV is sticking the game's .exe into quarantine.. probably due to overly restrictive heuristics enabled or is detecting false positives. What AV are you using? May be worth whitelisting the entire elsword folder (or if you're not on a paid AV, I can recommend an alternative if you're willing to switch)

    Hey :)

    Have you made any security changes recently? Can we have your windows version?

    I'm not sure but you might have enabled some allowed security steps from your antivirus so it uninstalls the game by itself.

    Actually, i haven't had any problem with my AV before, neither i did any security changes into it nor nothing. It keeps happening whenever i log into the game, and before the character's screen pops up, Elsword just stop running and no message is displayed, it just dissapear, then, Elsword.exe can't be found. Also, its Win 10 Pro Edition.

  • Sounds exactly like the game .exe is being quarantined. To be on the safe side, run a full system scan with whatever you're using, and Malwarebytes (I use Comodo and Malwarebytes personally, Malwarebytes as an occasional second pass scanner mainly just for thoroughness, not that I need it usually as I've never had viruses in all the years I've used Comodo). Then check your current AV's quarantine to see if it is there. If it is, consider whitelisting or reporting as a false positive if you're sure everything is completely fine on your end. Also out of curiosity on my part, upload the file to VirusTotal and see what it says. I get 0/70 on elsword.exe but x2.exe is showing 1/70. Should ultimately be a false positive so whitelisting and reporting as such in your AV should end the issues (hopefully).