Forum events for Christmas!

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  • Dear players!

    Christmas is approaching to us and we would like you to have fun in our forum by participating and winning lots of coins for your characters or what else you desire!

    Have a look at the active forum events (Click on the image to get further information):

    announcement_gladiatus_tw_91f450d1292a8a542398781d79db2ce8.png xv5UJ01.png

    x5RjhKq.png announcement_gladiatus_tw_23b24e5ee0dc3e61049dae162adb4548.png

    We hope you like them and have fun!

    Your Elsword team wishes you Merry Christmas!


    ~ There are those among us who are blessed with the power to save what is loved by another, but powerless to use this blessing for love themselves. ~