B: Some purple Elyanod-Stones (3% critdmg, 18k HP, rushing sword 12%, lvl 29, Krit 10%, Attack 2+, add dmg 10%, maxi 10%)

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  • Hello,

    I am searching the following purple Elyanod Stones :)

    - 2x Top, Bot, Gaunts, Shoes 3% critdmg

    - Top, Bot, Gaunts, Shoes 18k HP

    - Top, Bot, Gaunts, Shoes rushing sword 12%

    - Top, Bot, Gaunts. Shoes lvl 29

    - Top Krit 10%

    - Bottom Attack 2+enhance

    (eventually Bottom Attackspeed 2+ enhance...)

    - Gaunts add dmg 10%

    - Shoes maxi 10%

    PM me with your offers

    Thanks :)

  • Thread closed due to inactivity



    If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

    Ty Coco <3

    Hunnie: There's no day that I do not look at a cactus and I don't tell him my life