Hi, I'm selling 5/5 Henir + Seal, Clip and Crown. The 5/5 It's saged with maximize and critical. You have to remove hangers and seal.

5/5 + Accessories LoH Rose
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I would like to know what do you think this set (only 5/5 without accs) is worth nowadays, thanks :p
Hi for how much ? I can trade against Mariposa Raven + 5/5 Rosso
I do not think that I want to pay like 1.7kkk just for 5/5 ;D wish you luck on that
I can only paid 1kk3 , you seal and hanger :x
And how much for accessories ? Do you have cuff ?
I already said that I have crown, clip and seal. However, I can make it 1.2kkk but not lower, and I can't seal or remove hangers, sorry
I will buy it can you reserve it to me ?
Yeah, no problem, but you only want 5/5 or accessories too?
only 5/5 cuz you don't have weapon
Bump, lower the price of 5/5 to 1.1b
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