S] unique elyanod stones for skills

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  • Hi everyone, I'd like to sell several elyanod stones : all of them are for skills and need to be sealed:

    - red stone for pants : brandish breaker (taillade déployée in FR) +11% for CA

    - blue stone for shoes : harpon spear (harpon enflammé in FR) +12% for VC

    - blue stone for pants: energie void (vide d'énergie in FR) +12% for YR

    - blue stone for top : space wrench (distorsion spatial in FR) +12% for CE

    -red stone for gloves : spell storm (esprit de la tempête in FR) +11% for AS

    If any of you are interested please leave me a message here or chat YuwenJey in the game for discussing the price.

    Thanks for your attention~ c:
