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★ New Switch Skills for Lithia
Switch skills will be added for Lithia’s 1st to 4th paths with the maintenance on 15th January.
The list of Lithia’s switch skills for her 1st to 4th paths:
Class Name
Skill Name
Skill Type
Skill Description
Heavy Stone
You cause a heavy stone to crash down, stunning enemies hit for a certain time.
Stone Bomb
Special active
You sow ores into the ground which explode like mines.Gem Skill- On using 1 Gem, the range is increased by 15%.
Special active
You add a homing ability to your detonator. The detonator will chase the enemy for a certain time and cause multiple explosions.Gem Skill- On using 2 Gems, an additional detonator is created.
Stone Cutter
Special active
You summon a huge stone cutter at your current location which attacks a large area.(Can also be used while jumping.)
Cutter Skill- The cutter is strengthened by the relic and increases in size.
Respect must be earned.You fire an orb full of Lithia’s greed.The orb slowly pursues enemies, and creates a spell circle upon hitting an enemy which deals damage to enemies in the area.A full bag appears where an enemy has been hit, and flies to you.When you get the bag, your gemstones and MP will be regenerated.(Can also be used while jumping.)
Special active
Lithia’s fame spreads to every corner of the globe.Your magic causes explosions around you. Allies within Lithia’s magic field are surrounded by a protective shield for a period of time.Decree- Boosts the user and vower’s protective shield.
Petal Storm
Special active
Magic petals swirl around in a storm, granting immunity to and removing debuffs from allies within range of the storm.(Can also be used while jumping.)Decree- Immunity to debuffs is maintained for a certain time for both the user and vower.
Petals Deluxe
Special active
Sacred energy sprouts flowers in the wasteland.The field expands and attacks enemies. If an opponent is hit, a flower blooms, falls down and attacks the opponent as well.The sacred energy regenerates allies’ special resources.(Can also be used while jumping.)Gem Skill- On using 3 Gems, the range is increased by 20%.Decree- Temporary K.O. protection for the user and vower.
Rift Gravitation
You drop a magical weapon on the ground, which pulls in everything around it and deals damage.(Can also be used while jumping.)
Upper Rift
Special active
You create a small Rift with your pickaxe, which gradually increases in size and inflicts damage in the area.
Startled Swarm
Special active
Materialised Rift
You create multiple Rifts, opening up the way to fish.Now I understand how they behave.
Riftborn Crab
Special active
Materialised RiftYou open up a gaping maw of chaos. Creatures from beyond the Rift bring chaos to all enemies they find.Hopefully they won’t find me.
Excited & Joyful
Excited Rabbit and Joyful Rabbit bounce after landing and attack the enemies.
Lucky Number
Special active
My lucky number!That isn’t funny, time for a fresh start.Removes a number of debuffs from Lithia equal to the result of the First Dice.If you’re lucky, there’s a Dice% chance for all debuffs to be removed.(Can also be used while jumping.)
House of Cards
Special active
The cards throw up a storm, flying forwards to attack enemies.Using the skill with Power Boost ignores part of the enemy’s defence.(Can also be used while jumping.)Gem Skill- On using 2 Gems, the damage is increased by 20%.
King le Pix
Special active
You summon King le Pix.The enraged le Pix attacks your enemies.Enemies hit by le Pix suffer increased damage from critical hits.If the target is already suffering from increased damage from critical hits, a dice is rolled instead. If the increased critical hit damage is lower than before, the effect is not refreshed.Gem Skill- On using 3 Gems, the damage is increased by 20%.
★ Merging Raid and Megaboss Titles
As already mentioned in summer 2024, we’re merging together the titles for megabosses and raids, with the titles of megabosses being moved from the Character tab to the Account tab.
If no characters have opened the cube and received the title, then any requirements they have already fulfilled will be added together.
If a character has already opened the cube and received the title, the other characters on the account will also get the title.
Adventurers who have earned the Attack of the Steel Machines title with multiple characters will receive one tradeable copy of the title more than the number of characters.
* Can only be used once the Attack of the Steel Machines title has been unlocked for use.
Through the merger of the megaboss and raid titles, the following requirements for equipping them will be changed:
Requirements to Equip
Fire Extinguisher
Departing to a New Area: Complete the Epic Quest ‘Enter Varnimyr’
Flame Form
Thorn Dance
Gaze of Darkness
Dark Fire Epos
Reawakened Flame
Departing to a New Area: Complete the Epic Quest ‘Enter Pruinaum’
Thousand Spirits
Faint Silhouette
Departing to a New Area: Complete the Epic Quest ‘Enter Into the Abyss’
Awaking Dragon
Stagnated Dreams
Lord of the Abyss
Black Dragon Slayer
Reach level 99
Dragon Blood Drinker
Usurper of the Warped Time-Space
Weakness Scout
Departing to a New Area: Complete the Epic Quest ‘Enter Rigomor’
Twilight of the Gods
Flegas’ Binder
Departing to a New Area: Complete the Epic Quest ‘Enter Flegas Area’
Attack of the Steel Machines
Departing to a New Area: Complete the Epic Quest ‘Enter Monaterra’
★ Dungeon Difficulty Changes (Varnimyr to Pruinaum)
1. The stats of monsters in Varnimyr, Rigomor and Pruinaum dungeons have been changed.
Guardian’s Forest
Forginay’s attack power and defence have been reduced.
Sentinel Commander’s HP, attack power and defence have been reduced.
Sentinel Forest Warden and Sentinel Pursuer’s HP have been reduced.
Dark Elves’ Outpost
Sentinel Guardian and Sentinel Commander’s attack power and defence have been reduced.
Sentinel Rider, Sentinel Pursuer and Fae Panther’s HP have been reduced.
Forsaken Sanctuary of Spirits
Lord Nephil’s HP, attack power and defence have been reduced.
Ino Nephil, Nyor and Moffel’s attack power have been reduced.
Shadow Run
Shadow Agate’s attack power has been reduced.
Nero’s HP and attack power have been reduced.
Sea of Ruin
Leviathan’s attack power has been reduced.
Chaos Leviathan’s HP and attack power have been reduced.
Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel
AMPS Crab’s attack power has been reduced.
Abandoned Icerite Factory
Frost Hermit Plant’s attack power has been reduced.
Boss Asella’s HP, attack power and defence have been reduced.
Little Garren, Great Garren and mini-boss Asella’s HP have been reduced.
Abandoned Village
Antiquark, Quark and Meson’s HP, attack power and defence have been reduced.
Sanctuary of Souls
Baryon and certain Elite Guards’ HP and attack power have been reduced.
Guards, Guard Captain and Elite Guards’ HP have been reduced.
Capital City Train
Z.E.V.S. Core’s HP and attack power has been reduced.
A.M.A.S. Giant Crab, A.M.A.S. Octopus, Angry Antiquark, Melee Guard, Ranged Combat Guard, Elite Guard and Strong Elite Guard Captain HP have been reduced.
2. The attack patterns in Varnimyr, Rigomor and Pruinaum have been changed.
Dark Elves’ Outpost
- If you get caught in a plant trap, you are no longer bound.Sanctuary of Spirits
- When you destroy Lord Nephil’s seal, the core of the seal is now invulnerable.Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel
- The AMPS Giant Crab is now present from the start.Trosh’s Nest
- Homon, Armadulla and Seren are now present from the start.Frostland
- The ice floor can no longer be destroyed.
- If you fall down in stage 1 before completing it, you will no longer be revived exactly where you fell but a little further ahead.Abandoned Village
- When you are attacked by Antiquark, you no longer get the Frost debuff.
- Stage 3 (where Quark and Antiquark appear) has been removed.Sanctuary of Souls
- The cooldown between the Elite Guard changing locations has been increased.
- The Elite Guard’s kick attack has been changed to only knock back on hit.
- The Elite Guard’s whirlwind attack has been changed to only pull back on hit.★ PvP Content Changes
1. The PvP ranks of all characters will be reset after the maintenance on 15th January.
2. 3v3 mode is being removed from official PvP.
As it is the least played mode, 3v3 is being removed from official PvP to place more focus on the 1v1 and 2v2 modes.
* All 3v3 mode stats will be removed, e.g. from the PvP menu and PvP records.
3. HP will be adjusted in line with the improved equipment stats, and the stats which differed depending on PvP mode and rank will be normalised.
4. In order to provide fairer rankings, we’re implementing a change to the ratings of group results, which will lead to lower rating increases for victory and a greater rating reduction for defeat.
5. Matchmaking conditions for official PvP have been improved to reduce matchmaking times.
★ Additional PvP Weapons
1. The weapons can be acquired by completing the new quest from Camilla.
* The weapons start at upgrade level +9 and are provided in a weapon cube.
* With the PvP Fighter weapon equipped, you can only enter PvP and Ereda Island.
2. The PvP Fighter weapons can use the attribute, enhancement and specialisation systems.* PvP Fighter weapons cannot be enchanted or use the glyph system.
3. Equipping a PvP Fighter weapon and armour provides a 5-set effect.
* 5-set effect: All resistances +100 and chance to trigger weapon attributes: +3%
★ Character Development Changes
1. Added the 3rd and 4th lesson to the Porufessor’s Fourth Development Help.
The 3rd and 4th lessons in the Porufessor’s Fourth Development Help have been added to help adventurers who have already reached Pruinaum through the 1st and 2nd lessons to reach the Pruinaum Raid.
* Once you’ve received all of the rewards, you will no longer be able to carry out the mission and the development help symbol will disappear.
* Rewards for completing the Porufessor’s development missions include Aranka’s Porufessor’s Artefact Ring Cube and Aranka’s Porufessor’s Artefact Armour/Necklace Cube amongst many others. You’ll have access to an in-game overview of the missions and rewards on 15th January (after maintenance).2. The requirements for completing the development quest for Soul Relic Requiem weapons have been changed.
Level 1
25x Complete Pruinaum dungeons (excluding raids)
10x Complete Pruinaum dungeons (excluding raids)
Level 2
75x Complete Pruinaum dungeons with an S grade
(excluding raids)
20x Complete Pruinaum dungeons with an S grade
(excluding raids)
Level 3
75x Complete Pruinaum Raid
(excluding story/Challenge Mode)
10x Complete Pruinaum Raid
(excluding story/Challenge Mode)
Level 4
75x Complete Ghastly Spirit King’s Castle
(excluding story/Challenge Mode)
30x Complete Pruinaum Raid
(excluding story/Challenge Mode)
Level 5
150x Complete Altar of Dreams
(excluding story/Challenge Mode)
50x Complete Pruinaum Raid
(excluding story/Challenge Mode)
3. The requirements for receiving certain titles has been changed.
Title name
Flame Form
100x Complete Crimson Tower
(excluding story mode)
50x Complete Crimson Tower
(excluding story mode)
100x Complete Ghastly Spirit King’s Castle
(excluding story mode)
25x Complete Ghastly Spirit King’s Castle
(excluding story mode)
Thousand Spirits
100x Complete Altar of Dreams (excluding story mode)
25x Complete Altar of Dreams (excluding story mode)
150x Ghastly Spirit King’s Castle with at least 1 resurrection left (excluding story mode)
150x Altar of Dreams with at least 1 resurrection left (excluding story mode)
75x Ghastly Spirit King’s Castle with at least 1 resurrection left (excluding story mode)
75x Altar of Dreams with at least 1 resurrection left (excluding story mode)
13,000x Monsters (Abandoned Icerite Factory)
5,000x Monsters (Abandoned Icerite Factory)
100x Sanctuary of Souls
50x Sanctuary of Souls
Train Passenger
100x Capital City Train
50x Capital City Train
★ Elyanod Armour Improvements
As previously mentioned, the Elyanod armour system is being improved with the maintenance on 15th January.
At the moment, Elyanod armour is generally only used for a short time during the early stages after reaching level 99. We’ve made the following changes to alleviate the issues associated with needing to keep playing to further improve the Elyanod armour:1. You can get new Elyanod armour from the Porufessor’s Second Development Help.
- After the maintenance on 15th January, you’ll now receive Aranka’s +9 Restored Elyanod Armour Cube as a reward.
- After playing through 3x Elyanod dungeons, you can complete the Porufessor’s Second Development Help.
* Added Restored Elyanod armour. Existing Elyanod armour remains unchanged.
* The quest has been changed so that characters who already received the reward before 15th January (8:59 AM) will receive the reward again.
* Restored Elyanod armour cannot be moved to the Account Bank or dismantled. It will only be deleted if you discard it.2. You no longer receive Elyanod Magic Stones or Elyanod Magic Stone Dust from Elyanod dungeons or the Warped Time-Space – Peak of Parman.
- It is no longer possible to craft Elyanod armour and Elyanod Magic Stones can no longer be traded.
- The [Elyanod] Traces of the Ancient City, [Elyanod] Explore the Ancient City and [Internet Café] Traces of the Ancient City quests have been deleted.
- The epic quest reward of Elyanod Magic Stones has been removed.
Affected quests:
In EL’s Corridor – Aisha
In EL’s Corridor – Rena
In EL’s Corridor – Raven
In EL’s Corridor – Eve
In EL’s Corridor – Chung
In EL’s Corridor – Ara
In EL’s Corridor – Elesis
In EL’s Corridor – Add
In EL’s Corridor – Lu/Ciel
3. Elyanod Magic Stones cannot be socketed in Restored Elyanod armour. Instead, fixed and set effects have been added.
Fixed Effect
Set Effect
Polarisation: damage dealt/taken [2+Boost stat]% (max. 55%)
Crit. damage: +6%
Attack/magic attack: +5%
Leg Guards
Buff: Attack/Magic Attack [2 + upgrade level]%
MP consumption: -5%
All skill damage [5 x upgrade level]%
All skill damage: +10%
Buff: Group member devastation +10%
Flexibility/Tenacity/Strength/Transcendence skill damage: +20%
4. Agaur’s ‘Use Elyanod Magic Stones’ and ‘Redye Elyanod Magic Stone’ options will remain available for some time.
* Elyanod Dye Coupons available in the item shop will no longer be sold after the maintenance on 15th January.
* You can socket Elyanod Magic Stones and redye Elyanod armour you already have until 11th February 2026 8:59 AM.
★ Added Colour Blind Mode
We’ve added a colour blind mode to make it easier for adventurers who suffer from colour blindness to differentiate between different colours.
1. The Accessibility tab can now be found under System → Options (O).2. Open Accessibility → Colour Blind Mode to select the Red/Green/Blue Blindness options and change the colours of characters, backgrounds and effects.
★ Inventory Improvements
1. Inventory Avatar Expansion
- The inventory avatar category has been increased to 15 pages (from 14 pages).
2. New Ice Heater Inventory
- The ice heater inventory tab has been added where ice heater avatars and accessories will be stored.
- Ice heater avatars and accessories previously stored in the accessories and avatar tab will be moved to the new inventory.
5. The ice heater avatar inventory has 15 pages and cannot be expanded.
- Ice heater avatars and accessories have been added to the advanced search feature of the Trading House.
★ Improved Buff UI
- The buff UI has been adapted to the new interface design. Buff settings have been added to allow you to categorise buffs by type and source in your buff list and those of your party members.
Buff SettingsUsing the settings button in the buff menu, you can set icons for you and your party members.
Learn more in the game following the maintenance on 15th January.
★ Other Interface Improvements
1. The group chat now displays who has joined or left a group, search party or combat group.
2. If the leader of a combat group is changed, the character set as the leader will be displayed in a pop-up message.
3. Added a feature which allows all Arcane Stones to be identified at once.
* Use the identify all button and confirm to identify all unidentified Arcane Stones in your inventory at once.
* Clicking the identify all button will display how much ED will be consumed in identifying all the Arcane Stones.
* If you don’t have enough ED, you cannot identify all the Arcane Stones at once.
4. Changed the Power Boost display option in the settings.
* You can now toggle the option to allow the character’s appearance to change when using Power Boost and skills.* Doesn’t apply to the changes caused by Transcendence or Altar of Evil skills.
★ Characters
1. Ocean Myths Hairstyles can now be dyed.
2. The Aurora Mystica Exquisite Cape appearance is now displayed correctly.
Nasod Incognita
1. Fixed an issue where Perkisas’ Wings of Avarice didn’t spread out when you were sprinting/jumping.
Nasod Battle Seraph
1. Fixed an issue where the Fusion Field would appear with the colour of the Reaction Zone when using the Linear Divider in Fusion Mode.
Impulse Tracker
1. Fixed an issue where Genetic Methods could not be used while the B slot of a skill slot was activated.
Prime Operator
1. Fixed graphical issues with the Crashing Satellite skill’s explosion and impact location.
1. Fixed an issue where the Fluffy Romance top and leg guards were not displayed correctly when combined with other avatars.
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
1. Fixed an issue where it sometimes became impossible to move/dismount after climbing the turret in the 2nd phase of Basteel.
2. Fixed an issue which sometimes made it impossible to attack the boss in the Challenge Mode of The Destroyer.
3. Fixed an issue with Mr Hatini’s mirror spell in the boss stage of the Tricky House which caused it to also deal damage to party members at equal distance.★ Items
1. Eldrit Resonance Potions which you could trade with Fishing Champ Helen have been improved to new ones which are stackable.
* Any Eldrit Resonance Potions you already have will not be changed.
2. Fixed an issue which could cause the character to be displaced when using certain alternate movements in the village.★ Other
1. The detail stats (PvP) and Free Training (PvP Stat) include the benefits of PvP upgrades.
2. The number of possible remaining seals is now displayed when extracting a Force skill.3. Using Grant Magic multiple times in succession caused the skill frame to shrink.
4. Fixed an issue where skills, quick slots and Power Boost could sometimes not be used after entering a dungeon.
5. Setting the window mode could apply a different aspect ratio than the chosen resolution at certain resolutions.
6. Buff icons already applicable to a party member before they were invited to the party were invisible to other members after the invitation.
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