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★ Update: Lu/Ciel’s 4th Path
Lu/Ciel’s 4th Path is finally available! - The Ruler Lost to the Void, and Her Ruthless Servant
* Emptiness – Turbids – Demersio
Introduction: Id and Ego manifested in the abyss. This class can select and play one of these two roles based on the battle situation they’re in.
- Attack type: magic attack
- Range: medium
★ Eldrit Seeker Collection for Lu/Ciel’s 4th Path
Added the collection for Lu/Ciel’s 4th Path.
Synergy attributes will be added later.
The Collection for Lu/Ciel’s 4th Path.
Collection Level
Collection Effect
Level 1
Adaptability +0.5% (max. +45%)
Level 2
Adaptability +0.75% (max. +45%)
Level 3
Adaptability +1% (max. +45%)
★ Item
The item ‘Mysterious Collection Book’ can no longer be traded.It can still be sold back for 60,000,000 ED.
★ Misc.Of course, adventurers who have used up all their character slots should also have the chance to try out Lu/Ciel’s 4th path, so the number of character slots will be increased. (Max. 60 > Max. 61)
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