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Pruinaum Raid Improvements
Pruinaum Raid
The minimum number of people required for the ‘[Story] Pruinaum Raid’ story mode is reduced from 3 to 2.
Ghastly Spirit King’s Castle
- ‘Hadron Doppelganger’ HP is reduced.
- ‘Hadron’ HP is reduced.
- ‘Haivan’ HP is reduced.
- A notification appears when Haivan detonates the Organic Bomb. Bomb visibility has been improved.
- If all seal devices (incl. the time bomb in the last sector) have been destroyed before Haivan descends, Haivan descends immediately.
Altar of Dreams
- ‘Berrut’ HP is reduced.
- ‘Crazed Berrut’ HP is reduced.
- HP is reduced for Ice Pillars and Soul Fragements summoned by Crazed Berrut.
- From now, when Crazed Berrut dies the Soul Barriers also disappear.
- ‘The Destroyer’ HP is reduced.
- HP is reduced for Ice Pillars summoned by ‘The Destroyer’.
- It is now easier to tell when The Destroyer uses Soul Grudge/Flame Bond.
★ Improvements to Tirnog Dungeons
Theme Park Entrance
- Defence is reduced for ‘Betty’, ‘Aries’ and ‘Icus’.
Tricky House
- Defence is reduced for ‘Rook’, ‘Bishop’ and ‘Betty’.
Puppet Theatre
- Defence is reduced for ‘Puppet’, ‘Aries’, ‘Icus’, ‘Paper Bega Trax’ and ‘Paper Anud’.
- ‘Puppet’ Whirlwind Attacks inflict less damage.
Neon Concert
- Defence is reduced for ‘Gardiana’, ‘Aries’, ‘Icus’ and ‘Betty’.
- Fix in progress for the problem that ‘Arirod’ always suffers the same damage regardless of the Spotlight Buff.
- Improvement: Greater damage possible to ‘Arirod’ and ‘Inculud’.
- Change: From now on, ‘Gardiana’ suffers greater damage during her guitar concert.
Shadow Castle
- Defence is reduced on ‘Torn Shadow (Aren)’, ‘Count Belmez’, ‘Aries’, ‘Icus’, ‘Shadow Torturer’ and ‘Shadow Avenger’.
★ New PvP Map ‘Blizzard Ruins’The new PvP map ‘Blizzard Ruins’ has been added.
▣ In-game UI Improvements
The Character Window and other UI components are being changed to display information more intuitively.
The following UI components will change following the maintenance on 28th September 2022:
- Character window
- Eldrit Resonance Grade
- PvP Record
- Master Artefact
- Pet, Mounts
- View
1. UI Added for Daily Rewards
- There will be a separate interface for Daily Rewards so all information can be seen at a glance.
- It is opened using the ‘Quest’ button to the left at the bottom of the screen. You can also set up a Hotkey for it.
- Clicking on a dungeon name or PvP closes the Daily Rewards interface and opens the dungeon/PvP interface.
- By clicking on the star you can mark favourites in Daily Rewards. A max. of 5 favourites can be marked. (This function is not available for PvP rewards.)
2. Quest UI Improvements
- A new tab is being added for daily and weekly quests. Story quests, event quests and epic quests are in the regular quest tab.
- Once a quest has been completed an exclamation mark will appear above the tab.
- Change: Daily and weekly quests are automatically accepted even if Quest Help (tab key) has been deactivated. However, they will still not be shown in Quest Help even after completion.
- The restriction on the number of accepted quests now only applies to normal or repeat quests (max. 20).
- Change: If a Secret Dungeon quest, Hero Dungeon quest or Dark Portal quest is completed during daily and weekly quests, the character is rewarded automatically.
Changes to special rewards:
Secret Dungeon
2x Eldrit Reward for daily quest
3x Eldrit Reward for weekly quest Quest
* max. 17 per week
2x Eldrit Reward for completion per day
(max. 4, 2 per Secret Dungeon)
* max. 28 per week
Hero Dungeon
2x Hero Certificate Reward for daily quest
3x Hero Certificate Reward for weekly quest Quest
* max. 17 per week
1x Hero Certificate Reward for completion per day
(max. 3x per day)
* max. 21 per week
Dark Portal
30x Demonic Aura for daily quest
* max. 60 per week
additional 10x Demonic Aura for completion per day
(max. 3x per day)
* max. 60 per week
3. Improvements to the Achievements Interface
- The interface is being improved to show achievement information more intuitively.
- The progress of your achievements is shown in a bar. In addition, further components are being made more user-friendly.
For example: Now additional Achievement Points ranking information will be displayed (the corresponding symbols and value of village movement speed buffs).
* Achievement Points can vary depending on the update situation.
4. Improvements to the Skill Interface
- Skill information is presented more intuitively.
- In the upper part of the skill tab the character introduction is shorter and main skills are no longer displayed.
- The ‘Seal’ row is being removed from the skill tab and active/passive skills are being rearranged in the Skill Tree.
- The Skill/Force/Combo order is different. (Before: Force, Skill, Combo -> Now: Skill, Force, Combo)
- A Switch Skill slot is being added to the Force tab. (Before: 7 -> Now:
- 4 spaces are being added to the Force Inventory. (Before: 32 -> Now: 36)- If a character can change class, shortened class introductions are shown in the interface and main skills and tool tips are displayed.
★ Epic Quest Reward
- There is less ED rewarded on the completion of Epic Quests.
- Epic Points (EP) is being introduced as the new currency. Epic Points can be earned by completing Epic Quests or by exchanging ED for them in the Epic Points Shop.
- The ED Shop is being removed and replaced by the EP Shop, where you can use EP to buy goods.
- Some of the goods previously sold have been removed and Aranka offers them in the EP shop instead.
For example: Aranka no longer sells ‘Mysterious Collection Book’ or ‘[Eldrit Seeker Collection] Synergy Effect Coupon (7 days). To replace them the Epic Points Shop (EP Shop) offers ‘[Aranka] Mysterious Collection Book’ and ‘Aranka’s Eldrit Seeker Collection – Synergy Effect Coupon (7 days).
- Change: The ‘Aranka’s Mysterious Collection Book] item is required to complete the ‘Collect Eldrit Seekers!’ quest.
* If you bought the ‘Mysterious Collection Book’ from Aranka you can resell it in the Shop (for 60,000,000 ED) until the update.
* Item can no longer be traded after the update on 9th November 2022.
1. Receiving Epic Points
- Epic Points can be earned by completing Epic Quests or by exchanging ED for them in the Epic Points Shop.
- You can have a max. of 10,000 Epic Points (EP).
- If you skip an Epic Quest you do not receive Epic Points.
2. Epic Points Shop (EP Shop)
- You can visit the EP Shop in the village with the NPC Aranka. Various items can be purchased using EP.
- The previous ED Shop is being shut down. Items that were offered in the ED Shop are now available in the EP Shop.
★Weekly Missions
- Weekly missions are being added that offer ED as a reward.
- These missions can be found in the lower Quest UI area.
- Weekly quests are available per account. 4 missions can be accepted and completed each week.
- Aborted missions can be newly accepted again. If a quest is aborted, it will reset.
* If the goal of a mission has been achieved, it cannot be aborted.
- Weekly missions are reset every Wednesday at 9 AM.
You can set up a Hotkey for weekly missions.* Weekly missions are only for characters from level 99.
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