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* Event period: 19/1/2022 (9 AM) until 09/2/2022 (8:59 AM)
* Main Event
1. Treasure Hunt!
* Event Details
1. Treasure Hunt!
- During the event, a ‘Treasure Hunt!’ icon will be displayed at the top of the screen. Click on the icon to take part in the event.
1) Process
a) The treasure chest has 10 keyholes, but only one of them opens the chest.
b) Click on ‘Random Selection’ to insert a key into a random keyhole and try to open the chest.
c) You can only use each keyhole 1x; an incorrect keyhole cannot be used again until it’s reset.
d) Your character will receive 1 coin when you open the chest, and then the chest will reset.
e) Each time you choose the wrong keyhole your character will receive 1 exchange coupon.
f) You can exchange the coins and coupons for the items in the reward list below.
2) Getting Keys
a) Buy in the item shop
Spend 70 El Coins in the item shop to receive a key.
b) Use a Treasure Hunter Key
The Treasure Hunter Key you can get from the event quest increases the amount of keys you have by 1.
Quest Type
Quest Name
[EVENT] Treasure Hunt
Play through a dungeon with a matching level 1x
1x Treasure Hunter Key
Level 10+
per account
3) Rewards
a) Items for exchange coupons
- You get 1 exchange coupon each time you don’t pick the right keyhole in the treasure chest. You can exchange the coupons for the following rewards:
Amount of Exchange Coupons Required
5x First Class MP Regeneration Medicine
10x Organic Apple
10x Recovery Potion
10x Bingsu Dessert
b) Items for coins
- You get 1 coin each time you pick the right keyhole in the treasure chest. You can exchange the coins for the following rewards:
Amount of Coins Required
Group 1
(Can be received multiple times)
5x Magic Stone of the Wise
10x Blessed Time-Space Scroll
Group 2-1
(available again after resetting)
5x Ice Sculpture Heater (Seraphim)
10x Ice Sculpture Heater (Seraphim)
Group 3-1
(You can get this once you’ve received each group 2-1 reward.)
1x Dark Order Top Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Leg Guards Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Gloves Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Shoes Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Hairstyle Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Hat Cube (White)
Group 4-1
(You can get this once you’ve received each group 3-1 reward.)
1x Random Cube containing Upgrade Scroll (Lv.9 - Lv.11)
Group 2-2
(available again after resetting)
5x Ice Sculpture Heater (Seraphim)
10x Ice Sculpture Heater (Seraphim)
Group 3-2
(You can get this once you’ve received each group 2-2 reward.)
1x Dark Order Weapon Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Accessory Cube (Top, White)
1x Dark Order Accessory Cube (Leg Guards, White)
1x Dark Order Accessory Cube (Earrings, White)
Group 4-2
(You can get this once you’ve received each group 3-2 reward.)
1x Random Cube containing Upgrade Scroll (Lv.9 - Lv.11)
- To start with you can get all the rewards from groups 1, 2-1, and 2-2. The rewards from groups 3-1, 3-2, 4-1 and 4-2 are deactivated at first.
- Each of the deactivated groups will activate once you have all the rewards of the previous group in the sequence (e.g. having all the 2-1 rewards will unlock group 3-1 and 3-2 will unlock group 4-2 and so on).
- Once you’ve received every reward in group 4, the starting group in the sequence (-1 or -2) will unlock again and the other groups will deactivate again: e.g. once you complete 4-1, 2-1 will unlock and 3-1 and 4-1 will be deactivated, once you complete 4-2, 2-2 will unlock and 3-2 and 4-2 will be deactivated.
- Only the group 4 sequence (-1 or -2) that you’ve completed will reset. (So completing 4-1 doesn’t affect groups 2-2, 3-2, or 4-2).
- The Dark Order Heater (white) season buff will be active for 6 weeks. (19/1/2022 (9:00 AM) until 2/3/2022 (8:59 AM))
* Please Note
Cube Type
Cube Name(Limitation)
Random Cube containing Upgrade Scroll (Lv.9 - Lv.11)
1x Upgrade Scroll Lv.9
1x Upgrade Scroll Lv.10
1x Upgrade Scroll Lv.11
Dark Order Top Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Top (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Leg Guards Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Leg Guards (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Gloves Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Gloves (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Shoes Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Shoes (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Hairstyle Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Hairstyle (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Weapon Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Weapon (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Hat Cube (White)
1x Dark Order Hat (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Accessory Cube (Top, White)
1x Dark Order Jacket (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Accessory Cube (Leg Guards, White)
1x Dark Order Wings (Elsword - Noah, White)
Dark Order Accessory Cube (Earrings, White)
1x Dark Order Earrings (Elsword - Noah, White)
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We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!
We advise you DO NOT TO CLICK on such suspicious links and do not share your account login/password with ANYONE.
Please report any kind of such activity directly to our Support. Thank you!