LF/T/B/S > ♥ (+ various nicknames)

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  • As thread title say, few things.

    First of all:

    LF >

    A cute Ain (Richter priority) to split engagement/marriage with on my Catastrophe


    B > 3x Rigo service (bot - gloves - shoes)

    and THESE (Lu and Ciel)

    S >

    NICKNAMES (I can T/S)
    (All old charas I don't want anymore, I got back years after the merge and nicknamed them after games and such because I lost all of the old ones (?))

    My friends are

    (let me just know I'll get you in touch with them) are selling (they gladly asked me to post these sooo.)



    Henir's Unique force service

    +9 scrolls


    other stuff (dm me or w/him)

    - - - -



    Darkfeather Scarf


    art credit

    Edited 19 times, last by Ciel ().

  • Hey Ciel

    I just have merged your posts. Remember that you can edit your last one to add all the information you consider necessary.



    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom