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Group Search System (Group List)
A new system has been added for adventurers who don't want to use random matching: Group Search (via a group list).
From 3rd June (Wednesday), dungeons can be played with group members you've chosen yourself.
1) Usage:
* The group list can only be used from Lv. 99 upwards.
Method 1
Method 2
Using the 'Community' menu
* It's possible to set hotkeys.
Using the [Group Search] button in the 'Start Dungeon' window
* Will only be shown for dungeons that allow group searching.
2) Dungeons Which Allow Group Searching:
- Dungeons in Elyanod, Varnimyr and Rigomor (including in story mode)
- Special: Warped Time-Space, Peak of Parman and Hero Dungeon
3) Further Information
- Groups created via group invitation are not shown in the group list.
(Only groups established using 'Create Group' are shown in the group list.)
- Groups that remain unchanged for 60 minutes are automatically removed from the list.
- Groups created via the group list can only start a dungeon once they have the required number of members.
- The Group Search System replaces the 'Search Party Recruitment' function for the 'Tiny Spirit' NPC.
- The group search can be found in the Community menu and 'Community (group)'.
- You can fetch information about group members quickly using the 'View' function.
4) Guide to the Group Search System
1. Select an area and a dungeon to display groups for that dungeon.
2. All groups for the selected dungeon are listed here.
3. This button updates the group list.
Check the 'Only show groups with empty spaces' option to show only those groups which you can join at the moment.
4. You can create a new group with the 'Create Group' button.
5. You can view characters in the group in more detail by right-clicking here.
6. Information about the group can be viewed here.
7. This is where you can accept or reject applications to join your own group.
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