im fine buddy, hope you are feeling good as well
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having heard you cheered me up
and in Italy in this period is a mess, a holy mess
i like the current state here in germany tbh
you are on holiday? do you celebrate something in this period?
nah i live there.
many people do celebrate but im not one of these persons
i guess you could say that
But is atheism widespread in Germany or are you very attached to religion?
i dont think its widespread since germany is a mixed country. you see all kinds of religion mostly but there are still a lot of atheists
It is very fortunate, at least you do not have a single type of religious influence in politics. can we talk about politics in this forum?
I checked now, we couldn't even talk about religion but we cannot make any comment, so I think it's okVolevo tradurre "entrare nel merito" ma non sono sicuro di esserci riuscito
Anyway, do you still play Els?
yee, i think i will never completly stop until the servers get shut down.
And what about you?
I rarely open it, but when do I do it, your Nick?
Esper, but same im not that often online anymore.
As soon as I login I send you the request anyway, that after Spyro logging in I expect everything
then sooner or later the new character will come and there is to try it
i cant stand here tho
shes kinda boring to play for me
I really didn't really hear it, Esseker told me.
However, given that it is not part of politics, here in Italy fascism takes hold; sincere I'm worried
given that it is not part of politics
Direi che la tua è una visione molto ottimistica. ;-;
Io la definisco cronaca
Comunque sto mettendo soldi da parte per l’imperiale, ho sempre desiderato quel set
Fra i set di Fosco e la lista amici di Kauket mi sento sempre più povero. ;-: