Selling Rare Nicknames

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  • - Snow sold

    - Silence

    - Baby

    - Waifu c/o 800m sold

    - Blush

    - Fear sold

    - Candy sold

    - Kohai

    - Kiss

    - Female

    - Girlfriend

    - Girl

    - Sister

    - Panties

    - Sea

    - Treasure

    - High

    - Juice

    - Lollipop

    - Glacial

    - Nurse

    - Kouhai

    - Frozen

    - America

    - Breath

    - Memes

    - Hatsune

    - Trashtalking

    I'm p much in a hurry to tell them so I can give away most of them for 400m or so, some won't be sold for less than 700m/1b, however feel free to offer.
    I'm also down for any kind of exchange, I'm mainly interested in Luciel stuff, but feel free to offer me literally anything you have even not character related.
    Discord: Sachiko#1234
    In game: Sachiko

    If you contact me on discord there are high chances you will get a fast answer

    Edited 4 times, last by Sachiko ().

  • I'm interested in a few names, but your discord didnt work. Can you add me please? 𝖑𝖊𝖎𝖑𝖆#6666