Estimation: Returning player needs your help!

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  • Hello!

    I'm a returning player who didn't play for many longs years now, and I'm starting anew with a new character, thus selling my old stuff. But I would need your help to determine the prices of those things >.>



    Full Celestial Master (Lu, no hood)

    Full Archpriest (Ciel)

    Incubus Outfit (Ciel)



    Bow + Accessories Celestial Master (Rena)

    5p Glacial (Rena)



    5p + Weapon + Wings + Glasses NBS MK2 (Eve, white)



    5p + Weapon + Wings + Mark Thanatos (Ara, hood)



    Full Salvadore Rosso (Elesis)

    Weapon + Accessories Salvadore Solace (Elesis)

    Duelist Costume (Elesis)

    5p Archdevil (Elesis, red hair)


    I'm sorry it's a big big load of items but it's like I'm starting a whole new game for me x_x

    I really need your help!

    Everything would be to sell!

    Thank you so much for your help :c

  • Thread closed due inactivity.

    If you want to reopen this thread let me know through creating a conversation.


    Board Admin - Elsword United Kingdom