Trading for Raven IB's

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  • Hey everyone,

    as the titles says, i'm trading the following item for Raven IB's :

    -4/4 ET3 Ain
    -4/4 Rossou Ain/Elesis

    -5/5 ElOfficer Ain/Elsword

    -5/5 Dusk Sovereign Rena

    -5/5 Dawn Sovereign Elesis

    -5/5 AD Chung
    -Imperial cape Chung
    -ElOfficer Cape Chung/Elsword/Aisha

    -9/9 ET3 Aisha
    -5/5 Solace Aisha

    -4/5 AD Aisha (No hairs)
    -3/4 Red Maid Aisha (No earrings)
    -Nasod Arithmetic Unit

    Let me know your offers starting a conversation here, thanks!