Trade for Elsword IB

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  • Hyyy

    trading the following items:


    -Thanatos Hood-Shoes (5/5)

    -Full Lord of Dawn


    -Royal Servant Black 4/5 (no hair)

    -Royal Servant White 4/5 (no hair)

    -AA Legwings

    -ET1 5/5 + Weapon


    -Gold Falcon (no new acc)


    -DkA Full (no legwings)

    -EO (normal) Wristband


    -Full Celestial Master (no new acc)

    -EO Normal 5/5 (cap)


    -HAO Hair, Canon

    -Nasod MK2 (no legwings)

    -Thanatos thorns


    -Full Mariposa Lu

    -5/5 Mariposa Ciel

    -Full VIG for both (no Armshield)

    Other stuff:

    -1x Silverfox Miho (Crystal)

    Looking for these Sets/Parts for Elsword:

    Nasod Battlesuit MK2 ( Weapon)

    Nasod Battlesuit MKB

    Salvatore Ventus

    Ignition Caligo (Weapon+Tail)

    Evil Tracer 2 (Everything except Wings)

    Miracle Alchemist (Weapon+Light)

    Velder Academy Knights (both colors except black hair)

    Masquerade (Sword)

    LoH (just the sword)

    Perkisas (Top, Shoes)

    Archpriest (without head acc and top)

    Celestial Master

    Salvatore Rosso

    Elpheus (Mouth Acc)

    Evil Tracer 3

    White Dragon: Servius (5/5)

    goddamn this thread will be long

    pm plsssss

    or ig: Madara
